Where can I collect and deliver the campervan?

We are just outside Lisbon, by the sea. We can fix a meeting point for delivery around Lisbon area.

Do your deliver the van outside Lisbon?

We do… but there is an additional fee for travel expenses (diesel, tolls, return).

Can I leave Portugal with your campervan?

Sorry but our campervan is for Portugal only.

Can everyone rent or drive the van?

You must be 25 or more to rent or drive the van.

What kind of insurence does the van have?

Included in the rental price is a basic 3rd party insurance which covers you for any damage you may cause accidently to another party. You would be responsible for any damage to our campervan unless it was someone else’s fault and you take their insurance details.  You would also be responsible for any damage to the under carriage of the campervan, caused by driving on a non tarmac road, as well as any damage in the interior.
We charge up to a maximum of 1000 euros of the value of the damage to the campervan.

What should I do to return the van?

We will set a meeting point for the return of the van. The van must be returned with full tanks (petrol and water) and must be cleaned inside and outside so that our next guest may be ready to go.

Is the campervan supplied with a full tank?

Yes it is and we expect you to return it the same way.

What do I need to bring when I pick up the campervan?

We need some personal information as your full name and phone number , a utility bill that verifies your home address,  a copy of a passport or identity card, a valid European driving license or International driving license, and a 1.000€ security deposit for any potential damage you may inflict on the van.

Can we bring pets?

Don’t take us wrong, we love animals and we have two lovely dogs ouselves but the van is not suitable for animals.

Are there any extra costs?

Some other costs may apply:

  • 40€ fee will apply unless the toilet cassete is emptyed and cleaned (without any traces of use);
  • The gas tank is not full, add a €35 fee plus the amount to fill the tank;
  • Water tank not full, add a 15€ fee;
  • In case of damage to the van – according to the damage.


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